1914 American La France

Firefighters roll out old engine

Annemarie Mannion CHICAGO TRIBUNE

Steve Botta clearly knows his way around firefighting apparatus, even a vintage red truck, but the 12-year Fire Department veteran also has proven to be an able detective.

After two years of combing the Internet, following leads and making blind phone calls to people he had identified as possible owners, Botta did what seems nearly impossible. He located the Calumet City Fire Department's first engine, which was purchased in 1914 for about $9,500.

That was back when Model T's were all the rage, and Calumet City was called West Hammond.

"It's pretty amazing that it still exists and that it still starts," Botta said of the 91-year-old truck.

Getting the engine to rumble required another firefighter to hand crank it. Botta also had to turn the siren by hand to get it to wail as he took a turn around the block last week.

"One kid stopped me and said, `That looks old. Is that from the '70s?'" Botta said with a laugh.

The engine's homecoming from Minnesota last week drew a crowd of residents, city officials and firefighters.

During his search, Botta learned the engine (Model No. 659) was manufactured by American LaFrance. After being retired from duty in Calumet City, it was purchased by a town in Michigan. Then it was turned over to private owners, two in Wisconsin and another in Minnesota. The most recent owner was keeping it in a garage before deciding to sell it to Calumet City for $16,500.

Half of the cost was paid by the city, the rest by donations and fundraisers.

"People would stop by the department and give us a check or make a donation. It was really kind of nice because this isn't a well-off community," Botta said.

Another firefighter, Victor Modjewski, took on the job of outfitting the truck with vintage lanterns, ladders, belts and hoses that he found at swap meets and from other sources.

"It needs to be painted, but without his help it would have looked like the truck from `The Beverly Hillbillies,'" Botta said.

The city plans to use the vehicle for parades, block parties and educational programs.

Meanwhile, Botta takes pride in seeing the truck returned to its first home.

"We still slide down the brass pole and land in the engine bay and it's sitting there. It's like, `Wow. This is how it used to be,'" he said.