Captain James Hilliard - Retired March 2020


Jimmy started CCFD on March 16, 1994.

His first years on the department he was assigned to Captain Joe Skelton Black crew, and had Bill Galgan as his first partner on the ambulance. John Flowers was chief at the time.

Jimmy went through the Arlington Heights Fire Academy and spent much of his first years working with Paul “Zero” Zurowski - mostly planning fishing trips on Lake Michigan for the day after shift. The call volume at the time was just under 3,500 and minimum manning was set at nine.

Jimmy and Sam Vega at a Guns and Hoses Poker Run

Jimmy and Sam Vega at a Guns and Hoses Poker Run

“ Zielke and I had some of the more  memorable calls on the ambulance. From Burn victims, violent diabetics with Rottweilers, to training a paramedic student, DH.”

T-Mo was the most senior person and Valsecchi was lowest in seniority that I ran an ems call with.

  As shift commander on red crew one of the topics I would preach was:  “Remember what you don’t like about the ranks ahead of you; then when you get promoted start the change.“

“When I told my crew that I was retired (no one knew until 2 days after my last day) I was at the firehouse gathering my gear when I heard a group of guys by the front of the reserve engine talking about me, and how I made every rank better after I was promoted.”

I realized then, that they payed attention to what I had been preaching and that was my proudest moment on the job.”


Promotion to Captain

Future plans:  Manage a few rentals, flip a couple of houses, buy a big ass sailboat

And follow my 3 children (all naval officers or soon to be) around the world.
