Firefighter Steve Botta

Steve plans to retire on May 2, 2019 after a long stretch of vacation time…..( i know, right?! ) His last shift day was February 4, 2019. Steve was hired in March of 1994 along with Jim Hilliard Starting his career with John Flowers as Chief. After 10 years on the job, Steve was responsible for hunting down and negotiating the return of Calumet City’s first motorized fire engine, a 1914 American LaFrance

early botta.png

Steve botta

circa 1994

We still slide down the brass pole and land in the engine bay and it’s sitting there. It’s like, `Wow. This is how it used to be’
— Steve Botta

After the remodel of Station 1 (now Station 11) Steve also became somewhat of a department historian by updating and tagging old photos in the bay and recovering and displaying gear used by members of the past.


CCFD Station 11

After the remodel

Steve and Jane have planned a sea cruise and several months out west before they make any permanent plans on where to settle. Be sure to wish Steve congratulations on his career and retirement !