Contact Legislators Today Oppose Governor’s Consolidation Plan

Your Calls, Emails, and Visits Make a Difference

ACT NOW and Oppose FORCED Consolidation

We’ve watched the Governor convene closed door meetings and heard his call for forced consolidation. The process has lacked transparency and true TRUSTEE input. It is time for the Administration and General Assembly to hear us! Please call members of the House Personnel and Pensions Committee, House Executive Committee, Senate Executive Committee, and the Senate Government Accountability and Pensions Committee let them know you are opposed to any and all forced consolidation for Downstate Police and Fire funds. We need the phones lighting up in the Statehouse!

Please click on the link to have access to the phone numbers for the legislators.

House Executive Committee:

Chairperson :Emanuel Chris Welch (D) Vice-Chairperson :Robert Rita (D)

Republican Spokesperson :Keith R. Wheeler (R) Member:Luis Arroyo(D) Member:Tim Butler (R) Member:Marcus C. Evans, Jr. (D) Member:Jehan Gordon-Booth(D) Member:Natalie A. Manley (D) Member:Joe Sosnowski (R) Member:Ryan Spain(R) Member:Arthur Turner(D) Member:Grant Wehrli (R) Member:Kathleen Willis (D)

House Personnel and Pensions Committee

Vice-Chairperson :Michael J. Zalewski (D) Republican Spokesperson :Mark Batinick (R) Member:Carol Ammons (D) Member:Kelly M. Burke (D) Member:La Shawn K. Ford (D) Member:Thomas Morrison (R) Member:Steven Reick (R) Member:Lamont J. Robinson, Jr.(D) Member:Blaine Wilhour (R)

Senate Government Accountability and Pensions

Chairperson: Cristina Castro (D) Vice-Chairperson: Iris Y. Martinez (D) Member: Omar Aquino (D)

Member: Melinda Bush (D) Member: Laura Ellman (D) Member: Ann Gillespie (D) Member: Steven M. Landek (D)

Member: Robert F. Martwick (D) Heather A. Steans (D) Member Donald P. DeWitte(R)

Member: John F. Curran (R) Dale Fowler (R) Sue Rezin (R)

Senate Executive Committee

Chairperson: Michael E. Hastings (D) Vice-Chairperson: Don Harmon (D) Member: John J. Cullerton (D)

Member: Napoleon Harris, III (D) Member: Linda Holmes (D) Member: Mattie Hunter (D) Member: Toi W. Hutchinson (D)

Member: Kimberly A. Lightford (D) Member: Terry Link (D) Member: Iris Y. Martinez (D) Member: Antonio Muñoz (D)

Member: Martin A. Sandoval (D) Member: Heather A. Steans (D) Member: Dale A. Righter (R)

Member: Jason A. Barickman (R) Member: William E. Brady (R) Member: Jim Oberweis (R) Member: Sue Rezin (R)

Member: Dave Syverson (R)

Your efforts can make a difference. We need and deserve to continue the dialogue with elected representatives.

We expect for this issue to be voted on in committee next week Monday at the earliest. It is important to call now.


Please let the members inside these committees know that you OPPOSE any and all forced consolidation of police and fire funds.

Call today!! ACT now and make your voice heard.