Amendment to Senate Bill 1300


Here is a breakdown of the amendment to

Senate Bill 1300, that amends the

Downstate Police and Fire Articles of the Illinois Pension Code.

Let your opinions be known on this legislation.

SB 1300 (Aquino/Harris) Amends the Cook County Article of the Illinois Pension Code. In a provision concerning employer contributions to the Fund, provides that the contributions may be taken from any revenue source, including, but not limited to, other tax revenue, proceeds of borrowings, or State or federal funds. Effective immediately. HA #5 (Hoffman) - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Creates the Police Officers' Pension Investment Fund and the Firefighters' Pension Investment Fund. Provides for the transfer of the assets and investment authority of downstate police and downstate firefighter pension funds to the Police Officers' Pension Investment Fund and the Firefighters' Pension Investment Fund. Contains provisions concerning the composition of the board of the investment funds; powers and duties; reporting and recordkeeping; auditing of downstate police and downstate firefighter funds; management of investments; and rulemaking. Reduces the amount of training required for trustees under the Downstate Police and Downstate Firefighter Articles. Makes changes to the calculation of certain survivor's benefits for Tier 2 police and firefighters, the calculation of "final average salary" for Tier 2 police and firefighters, and to the limitation on salary applicable to Tier 2 police and firefighters. Makes conforming and other changes. In the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) Article, authorizes certain surviving spouses of annuitants to re-establish rights to a surviving spouse annuity. In the State Employee Article, provides that the alternative retirement annuity provisions apply to a Tier 2 conservation police officer, investigator for the Secretary of State, Commerce Commission police officer, or arson investigator and authorizes those persons to establish up to 8 years of eligible creditable service for past service. Authorizes a State Policeman to elect to establish up to 5 years of eligible creditable service under the alternative retirement annuity formula for service as a full-time law enforcement officer outside of Illinois. In the State Universities Article: makes changes concerning the retirement age for certain Tier 2 members who have at least 20 years of service as a police officer or firefighter; and provides that the chairperson of the Board shall be appointed by the Governor from among the trustees (instead of the Chairperson of the Board of Higher Education acting as chairperson of the board of trustees). In the Downstate Teacher Article: adds a member of the board of trustees to be appointed by the Governor; adds a member of the board of trustees who is a teacher and elected by the contributing members; provides that the president of the board shall be appointed by the Governor from among the trustees (instead of the Superintendent of Education serving as president of the board); and provides that not more than 4 of the 5 active teachers elected to the Board of Trustees may be active members of the same statewide teacher organization. Amends the Illinois Finance Authority Act. Adds costs incurred in connection with the transition process to the definition of "public purpose project". Authorizes the Illinois Finance Authority to make loans to the Police Officers' Pension Investment Fund and the Firefighters' Pension Investment Fund. Makes other changes. Amends the Local Government Officer Compensation Act. Provides that language reducing an elected officer's compensation to zero if he or she is receiving specified pension benefits from the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund does not apply to a unit of local government that has adopted a specified ordinance or resolution effective prior to January 1, 2019. Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Provides that a Capitol Police Investigator (instead of a Capitol Police Investigator who began employment on or after January 1, 2011) may not be retained in service after he or she has reached 65 years of age. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement. Effective January 1, 2020.

To view the complete amendment to Senate Bill 1300, please click here.

This is the bill that could come out during the Veto Session.